What is tantra massage?
Tantric massage, calms the mind, celebrates the body.
It is a spiritual, mind and body experience. Tantric massage affects the benefiting person on a physical and emotional level.
During the ritual an experienced tantric masseur is capable of sinking the massaged individual in to a tantric trance, where physical boundaries dissolve, time disappears and only the moment is important. The whole body will be touched, rubbed, caressed and nothing will escape attention.
Tantra massage: how far do you want to go?
The purpose of a tantra massage is to gradually edge the individual in to a state of ecstasy but not let him climax. The control of the climax will be in the hands of the masseur who will lead the individual multiple times to the breaking point but than not let him finish. This extended orgasm can be lasting hours long, depending of the experience of the masseur.
All and all the tantric massage is known as the most intense state of euphony.
Like any type of massage, Tantra massages can be used to relax the body. In addition to relieving physical ailments, Tantra massage can be used to allow emotional pain to subside. Many people claim that they feel less guilty or fearful after receiving a Tantra massage. Some also find that they feel more alert and energetic, which allows them be more active during the day and sleep more soundly at night.